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Our Town: Portsmouth
RI PBSScrimshaw
Mystic SeaportMap of Providence Powder Horn
RIHSE. Providence Memorial
WWI Memorial ProjectPershing Statue
WWI Memorial Project
William Carter Nav. Book
U.S. Naval War College
National Park Service

Preservation Society of Newport County

Newport Historical Society

U.S. Naval War College

Newport Historical Society

WW1 Scrapbook
U.S. Naval War College
Newport Historical Society

WW1 Scrapbook
U.S. Naval War College
Yankee Journal
U.S. Naval War College
William Carter Navigation Book
U.S. Naval War College
U.S. Naval War College

U.S. Naval War College

Andover Historical Society

Newport Historical Society

National Park Service

National Park Service
The Digital Ark is dedicated to preserving, stewarding and sharing cultural heritage by capitalizing on emerging technologies in innovative ways. Collaborating with museums, libraries and archives in the academic, entertainment and corporate markets, we offer cost-effective and sustainable solutions for the long-term preservation and access to collections both online and in person. We focus on optimizing digital image and metadata capture workflows, and integrating tools in order to facilitate the design and production of new media for engaging and educating audiences.
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